Football Kick Return Formations

Football Kick Return Formations

Football Kick Return Formations

Football is one of the most popular sports in the world and with good reason. The excitement, strategy, and physicality of football make it a great sport for fans to enjoy.

There are many aspects to playing the game well. Kick Return Formation is among some of the most thrilling plays that can happen in any given game. 

Spread Formation

The spread formation is another popular option for kick return teams. This formation uses three players:

1. A deep receiver

2. A shallow receiver

3. The returner

Traditional Kick Return Formations

The traditional kick return formation is one of the oldest. And most basic strategies used by football teams for returning kicks. This formation uses two players: 

1. A kick returner 

2. One blocker. 

A Kick Returner And One Blocker

The returner is usually the fastest player on the team. While the blocker is larger and protects the returner.

 Teams looking to maximize their chances of scoring a touchdown on the return. It has used the traditional strategy for decades it continues to be a popular choice. 

A Deep Receiver, A shallow Receiver, And The Returner

The deep receiver lines up farther downfield to provide an outlet for the kick returner. While the shallow receiver provides more immediate blocking support for the returner. The spread formation is often used.

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When teams are looking to create mismatches with defenders in the kick return game. It puts three players in open space, allowing the returner to pick and choose. Which defender do they want to target?

Triple Option

The triple option is a more advanced formation used by teams looking to maximize. Their offensive potential on kick returns. This strategy uses four players:

1. Two blockers 

2. One deep receiver 

3. The returner. 

Key Positions And Their Roles 

Key positions and their roles are important to understand the roles. There are responsibilities of each position on a kick return team. While every player has a specific job. Some general duties stay the same from formation to formation. 

Wedge Blockers 

These players line up at the front of the formation. They are responsible for creating holes in the defense for the returner to run through.


This player is usually the fastest member of the team. Returner lines up in the middle or back of the formation depending on which formation is being used. As well as making quick decisions in the open field. 

Deep Receiver 

This player lines up deeper than the other players in the formation. The deep receiver handles provide an outlet for the returner.

 If they can’t make it back to the line of scrimmage. They must be able to read defenses quickly and accurately to be successful. 

Shallow Receivers

These players are the blockers on a kick return team. They are responsible for protecting the returner. While they are running downfield. 

They must be physical enough to take on defenders and give their teammate time to make it back upfield. 

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Popular Kick Return Formations

Kick returns are an exciting part of the game and can be a great way to score points or turn the momentum in your favor. Successful kick return teams use different strategies and formations. It depends on their personnel and the opposing team’s defense. 

Standard/Conventional Formation

The standard or conventional football kick return formation is one of the oldest. And most basic strategies used by football teams for returning kicks.

This formation uses two players:

1. A kick returner 

2. One blocker. 

The returner is usually the fastest player on the team. While the blocker is larger and protects the returner. 

Pro Set Formation

The Pro Set formation is a more advanced strategy used by teams looking to gain an edge in the kicking game.

This formation uses three players: 

1. Two blockers

2. One returner.

The returner lines up behind the blockers and is the fastest player on the team. 

Trips or Bunch Formation

The Trips or Bunch formation is a more advanced strategy. Designed to create mismatches in the kicking game. 

This formation uses four players:

1. Two blockers

2. One deep receiver

3. The returner 

Factors Influencing Formation Selection

Several factors should be considered when selecting a formation for a kick return team. The size and speed of the players is the most important factor to consider. When selecting which formation to use. 

Opponent’s Kickoff Coverage Tendencies

Before selecting a formation. Teams should analyze the opposing team’s kickoff coverage tendencies to try. And predict which strategy they will use during the game. This can help teams determine which players to put on the field and how they should position them.

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Field Position: 

When selecting a formation, teams should consider the position of the ball on the field. If the return team is deep in their territory. They may opt for a more conservative formation to cut their chances of making mistakes.

If they are near midfield or closer to the end zone. They can be more aggressive with their formations as they have less room for error. 

Player Personnel

Teams should also consider the size and speed of their players. When selecting a formation. Smaller and faster players usually work better in spread formations. While larger and slower players fare better in power formations. 


Q: What is a spread formation?

A: A spread formation is a kick return strategy. That utilizes three players- one deep receiver, one shallow receiver, and the returner. 

Q: What is a Pro Set Formation?

A: The Pro Set formation is a more advanced strategy used by teams looking to gain an edge in the kicking game. 

Q: What factors should be taken into consideration when selecting a kick return formation?

A: Teams should consider the size and speed of their players. The opposing team’s defense, and their personnel when selecting a formation.

Q: What is a Trips or Bunch Formation?

A: The Trips or Bunch formation is a more advanced strategy. Designed to create mismatches in the kicking game.

Final Thought

Kick return formation can be an exciting and important part of the game. Teams should analyze their personnel. The opposing team’s defense and the position of the ball on the field maximize their chances of success when selecting a formation. Teams can ensure they are preparing to execute any kick return strategy. With confidence through proper preparation and practice. 

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